Terri Lynn's Happy Talk

"When you feel good,good things happen"

—Terri Lynn

Person in meditation

Who the Heck Do You Think You Are?

May 22, 20242 min read

If someone asked you the question, “Who are you?” what would you say? For me, I am a mother, daughter, sister, aunt, author, speaker, coach, a leader in the automotive world, dancer, swimmer, etc. however, these are roles I play or things I do, but that is not really who I am. So, who am I actually? Who are you?  

          In order to answer that question, we need to look past the physical world. We get lost in the human side of things all too often, Some people go through their whole life existing only in the physical realm but a physical body is not even close to who we are.

          We are a three-part being. Mind, body and Soul. So, we are not this body or mind, we are a Divine Spirit having a human experience. Only paying attention to our physical form is like living at the base of a mountain with no vision to climb the mountain. If you did climb the mountain you would discover that from the mountain top you could see so much more, like a whole new dimension.

          From your Divine Mind you can see so much better. It is a simple shift. All you need to do is ask yourself the question, “Am I aware?” Become the watcher, the viewer. Step back and watch. It is so amazing. The human story will pull you back down at times but the more often you become aware of your Divine self, the easier it is to maintain, and the better your life will get.

          When you think of life as vibrational energy, which it is, think about tuning into your higher self. It is a frequency that you can tune into on demand, just like your TV set. Once you tap into the Divine, the signal gets clearer. You will be amazed how at peace you will feel. When you are in this mode the stress of life melts away.

          When you allow your Spirit to guide you, there are no accidents.


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About Terri

Terri Lynn is an expert at choosing happiness. Her painful past forced her to die in the sadness or focus on the positive and survive.

After many years the sadness in her life passed and her positivity soared. Terri Lynn’s experience as a Sales Manager earned her the nickname Fortune Cookie due to her enthusiastic nature and optimistic attitude.

She now hopes to show others the benefit of putting happiness first.

When happiness is first all else in life is enhanced. LIVE HAPPY!

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The opinions in this book are those of the author. It is recommended that you consult with a qualified health care specialist before adopting or implementing any of the strategies discussed for a health condition.