Terri Lynn's Happy Talk

"When you feel good,good things happen"

—Terri Lynn

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Decide To Be Happy Now!

March 13, 20233 min read

What will happen if you decide to be happy NOW? According to what God tells us through the author, Neale Donald Walsch, in “Communion With God”, “It is the decision to be happy that creates the experience of being happy.” What does that really mean? From my own life experience I understand exactly what this means.

We create our life with awareness, or without. When we decide to be happy and really commit ourselves consciously to being happy, we will create the experience of being happy. Sounds too simple to be true. Simple, yes,  but not so easy to execute when the circumstances surrounding you feel like hell. This is where consciousness comes in to play. Our thoughts create our feelings, and our feelings create our experience.

Myself along with many family members and close friends are facing huge challenges such as serious illness, death of a loved one, unemployment, horrible work conditions, financial ruin,  and divorce. So how is happiness possible under these circumstances? Only when the decision to be happy is made and in our consciousness.

What we look for in life affects what we see. I understand, first hand, how difficult this  appears. Impossible you might think. But I also understand, from my own experience, just how making the decision to be happy really works.

Only you can take over and decide what to think. During difficult times greater effort must be put on feeding yourself positive thoughts. Focus on something that is good in your life, no matter how small, because what we focus on expands. Keep something in front of you to trigger a happy thought when you need one.

Allow yourself to imagine something great that may happen, or how you will feel when this episode is past. Force yourself to think of things that make you feel good. Your feelings are in your control when you make conscious decisions. When you feel good, you are creating a better world.

I am not suggesting you ignore the issue at hand to be happy. If you are sick, you need to take measures to get well, but at the same time find a positive focus. Read or watch funny and uplifting stories. Be grateful for something good in your life and focus on the positive.

If you are living or working in a bad situation, place a trigger in front of you; a photo of a happy memory, a positive statement, or anything that will trigger a happy thought. Send love to whatever or whoever is causing a problem. Think thoughts that make you feel good. Imagine how you will feel when this experience passes.

Our inner world creates our outer world. The inner world is the cause and the outer world is the effect. Find a way to be at peace with whatever is happening around you. Happiness is not always laughter and bliss, but happiness does survive with acceptance and peace.

In difficult times to live in the moment consciously is our best defense but is often traded for worry over what the future may hold. Peace, happiness, and joy only live in the present moment. This I know for sure.

NOW,  I urge you to give some thought to your own happiness. In my opinion, happiness is underrated. When happiness is the priority, that is; FEELING GOOD, everything feels better, no matter what the circumstance.

When you feel good you will attract more things that match that feeling. My wish is health, wealth, and abundance for all, and my hope is that everyone may discover the miracles that happen when you are grateful for what you have in this moment, and decide to be happy…NOW.

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About Terri

Terri Lynn is an expert at choosing happiness. Her painful past forced her to die in the sadness or focus on the positive and survive.

After many years the sadness in her life passed and her positivity soared. Terri Lynn’s experience as a Sales Manager earned her the nickname Fortune Cookie due to her enthusiastic nature and optimistic attitude.

She now hopes to show others the benefit of putting happiness first.

When happiness is first all else in life is enhanced. LIVE HAPPY!

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The opinions in this book are those of the author. It is recommended that you consult with a qualified health care specialist before adopting or implementing any of the strategies discussed for a health condition.