Terri Lynn's Happy Talk

"When you feel good,good things happen"

—Terri Lynn

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10 Ways to Boost Your Happiness

October 03, 20233 min read

This life is a true journey and as has been said over and over again since this pandemic started, we are all in this together. We certainly are and we all have different strengths and weaknesses. My journey in life has taught me the importance of putting happiness first even in the most difficult times and that is what I’d like to share with you.

Is it really possible to choose happiness? If that is true why is everyone not happy all the time? To answer this question, we need to define what does happiness mean? According to the dictionary happiness is to enjoy, display cheer or emote joy.

So, how can you be happy when you are in pain or living with circumstances that you dislike? The truth is, to be happy under all circumstances is no easy task and that is why so many people are not happy. But what I am here to tell you is that your happiness is in your hands and that when you put the effort in to raise your own happiness level everything in your life gets better.

This takes work. Just as an athlete trains his body and mind so must you train yourself to live your best life. Each of us has different likes and goals but there are some general steps that can help elevate anyone’s happiness level. The first step is to make the decision to be happy, no matter what.

1) Make a commitment to simply be happy; allow happiness; allow change. If you keep thinking the same thoughts, you will get the same result.

2) In the present moment, and not things from the past, write a list each morning of at least three things that you are truly grateful for.

3) Now, read the list and really feel the gratitude penetrate your being. Your feelings are the magnet.

4) Begin each morning by using your imagination and think of all the good things that might happen in the day ahead and give thanks for all your blessings.

5) Make a conscious effort to find things in your day to be grateful for. Make a habit to stop every hour to inhale and focus on a positive thought.

6) Keep reminders in front of you, triggers that will bring your focus back to a positive thought (flowers work great for me), so when things get tough, or you feel stressed you have a reminder of the commitment you made to be happy.

7) Force yourself to smile. A smile is an instant booster.

8) When you feel stress setting in or your mood heading down hill, change your physiology. Get up, take a walk outside for a few minutes, look at things in the distance, breathe deep, feel grateful for the air you breathe. Dance behind closed doors if you can, dancing is a great mood lifter.

9) Do something kind for someone else. This is another great mood lifter. Even a smile to a stranger is good enough to have an effect.

10) At the end of each day review all the happy moments and let the gratitude for them fill you.

These are simple beginning steps that will help change your focus and your life. Your goal each day should just be to be slightly happier than the day before. Gratitude is the best booster shot. When you are in a state of gratitude the stress cannot get the best of you.

If you really want to commit and launch your happiness level to the moon, read Rhonda Byrne’s book The Magic, and do the twenty-eight-day exercises. You will turn your world around quickly.

This is your life journey and what I know for sure is that when you are happy and accepting of what is your journey will be smoother and you will get the best possible result.

The question is: What are you willing to do? Are you willing to take responsibility for your own life and choose happiness? You and those around you will reap the benefits. I have done so and I know my life is greatly enhanced because I have trained myself to be happy.

All happiness to you.

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About Terri

Terri Lynn is an expert at choosing happiness. Her painful past forced her to die in the sadness or focus on the positive and survive.

After many years the sadness in her life passed and her positivity soared. Terri Lynn’s experience as a Sales Manager earned her the nickname Fortune Cookie due to her enthusiastic nature and optimistic attitude.

She now hopes to show others the benefit of putting happiness first.

When happiness is first all else in life is enhanced. LIVE HAPPY!

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The opinions in this book are those of the author. It is recommended that you consult with a qualified health care specialist before adopting or implementing any of the strategies discussed for a health condition.